César Augusto Correia de Sequeira was born in Peso da Régua, Portugal, in 1943. On graduation
in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon in 1968 (7-year course) he was
invited to join the staff of Instituto Superior Técnico as Lecturer (“assistente”). One year later he
was invited to serve as Reader (“regente”) of Electrochemistry, Electrometallurgy and
Electrothermy (one year course), for the 6
th year students of chemical and electrotechnical
engineering. In 1971 he started high temperature chemistry research in the Nuffield Research
Group at Imperial College, obtaining a DIC (Diploma of Imperial College) in 1972 and a PhD
from London University in October 1974. In the same year he returned to Lisbon and joined the
University teaching staff, where he has been teaching and supervising research (at undergraduate,
MSc and PhD levels) for more than 50 years. In 1976, jointly with the Dean of the University of
Lisbon, he established the CECUL (Centre of Electrochemistry and Kinetics of the University of
Lisbon). He spent one year (1982) with the Materials Development Division of the Atomic
Research Establishment (Harwell, U.K.), where he performed a fruitful research work on the
development of all solid-state polymer-based lithium cells. He spent another year (1985-86) at
the University of Utah, where he joined the research group of Prof. J. Janata on ion selective field
effect transistors. He was also Invited Professor at UMIST (UK), Univ. of Reading (UK), Univ.
of Iserlohn (Germany), and Univ. of Arizona (USA). He has directed several international projects
on electrochemistry of hot corrosion, microbial corrosion, metal extraction, conducting polymers,
energy storage and conversion. Most of these projects were financed by the European Union. He
is author/co-author of over 270 technical papers and 239 conference proceedings, editor/co-editor
of 15 books and author of a recent book, author/co-author of 24 book chapters, a frequent lecturer
or panelist at scientific meetings, and is a member of several renowned international societies,
being a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, IOM3, U.K., a Fellow of the
Royal Society of Chemistry (U.K.), and Active Member (now Emeritus Member) of the
Electrochemical Society (U.S.A.). He is also serving as a reviewer for many scientific Journals.
He has also acted as a consultant for several medium-sized companies. Recently, he left CeFEMA
(Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials), where he was coordinating the
Materials Electrochemistry Group (MEG-IST, University of Lisbon).